Hayo'u Mao Feng Black Tea


Black Tea's story begins in Ancient China, where the legend of Emperor Shen Nong's serendipitous discovery around 2737 BCE adds a touch of magic. As the tale goes, tea leaves accidentally wafted into a pot of boiling water, resulting in a delightful aroma and taste. Whilst this legend might infuse Black Tea's origins with wonder, the first documented mention of tea as a medicinal elixir dates back to the 3rd century BCE.

Today, Black Tea remains beloved globally, cherished for its bold flavour, versatility, unparalleled warming inner hug, and the myriad of potential health benefits it can offer.

This is a grounding and centring tea with deep, earthy flavours and is much more oxidised so stronger in flavour.  

Among its health benefits:

  • Black Tea's polyphenols and catechins combat free radicals, supporting cellular health and reducing chronic disease risk.
  • Contains flavonoids which improve blood vessel function, reduce inflammation, and maintain healthy cholesterol levels, promoting cardiovascular well-being.
  • Regulates the digestive system, promoting smoother digestion after meals.
  • Caffeine boosts energy and alertness, complemented by L-theanine's calming effect for focused energy.
  • Contains catechins and tannins which bolster the immune system, aiding Wei qi defence and overall immune function.
  • Contains polyphenols and tannins which possess antibacterial properties, inhibiting harmful bacteria growth for dental health.
  • Black Tea's warmth improves blood flow, dispersing stagnant energy for overall vitality.

A robust tea so morning to early afternoon is the perfect time to drink.

X 1 box = 75g Loose Leaves (approx 25-30 servings)

Preparation - 1 tea spoon per cup, brew with 100°C/212°F filtered water

Ingredients: Chinese Mao Feng Black Tea

Allergens: Factory handles tree nuts and other products thereof.

Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

katie brindle

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Expert Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Bestselling Author and Founder of the of Hayo’u.

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My methods are created with the intention of providing a healing experience for your mind, body, and skin. Hayo'u is about more than just how you look, it's about transforming the way that you feel.

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